
Features of School Management Software

SchoolApp OnDemand is a brainchild of HR Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd which has been proved to be a necessary ERP product powered by latest technology. This product comprises of various modules which manage various departments of schools ranging from front desk, admission, fee collection, transportation, inventory management, etc.

In terms of front desk management, all the tasks which were earlier monitored manually are now being executed through automated school software. These operations include management of enquiry requested by parents/guardians, notifying teachers and parents as well as issuing of visitor pass.
Besides, all the manual front desk chores are replaced by automated one-push mechanism. Similarly, registration, admission, controlling library, maintaining payroll and report generation are processed easily with the help of this school management software.

Basically, intranet and web based system of school management is supported by this ERP software in administrator module, the school administration has absolute control over scheduling of lectures in accordance to every subject and class. Appointing substitute teacher is efficiently done with the help of this automatic system of school management.

Why HR Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

  • 1. Excellent customer support with 24/7 availability.
  • 3. Best deals are offered to customers accompanied with modern facilities.
  • 5. Solutions offered match your requirements aptly.
  • 7. India’s leading ISO 9001:2008 (QMS) Certified Software Development Company
  • 9. Being affordable without negotiating the quality
  • 2. Take less time to ground market for your product
  • 4. We foresee on strategic priorities such as next generation products
  • 6. Effective management of peaks and troughs as different stage of your product
  • 8. Dedicated Hosting
  • 10. Multi Location


Front Desk Management Module of SchoolAppOnDemand maintains tickets for appointments, scheduling, gate-pass for visitors, suppliers & parents, dispatched/received acknowledgments, complaints, issuances of transfer/character/bona-fide certificates, generation of multiple valuable reports etc.

Some Features

  • Record of enquiry by parents / guardian
  • Mass SMS and Mass e-mail to parents and teachers.
  • Sale of prospectus.
  • Issue of school leaving certificate
  • Visitor appointments scheduling.
  • Visitor Gate Pass Details
  • Student Attendance report
  • Staff Attendance report

School administrators can manage all registrations using our Registration Management Software, much user-friendly, automated software program. From limiting class sizes to automatically creating all parents and students of their status, HRSS’S SchoolAppOnDemand's Registration Management Software keeps schools organization efficient with managing information for all students.

Some Features

  • Student Registration-Class wise / Section Wise.
  • 'n' number of Interview group for every Class.
  • Provision for Registration of Students of Weaker Section & Concession.
  • Selection of the Students record & waiting student for recall.
  • Auto transfer of Students Dttails from Registration to Admission.

Speedily and efficiently execute the complete Admission process for both new and old students; these students are automatically treated differently based on the provided information, along with a facility to print admission cards. The admission Management software module manages the complete details about the students and their parents/guardians including their alternate addresses, contact numbers & profession etc…

Some Features

  • Unique Admission number for particular student.
  • Students search using multiple option like Students Name, class wise, admission no. wise etc.
  • Student's parents information like Official / Personal / Others Details personalized setting for Local Guardians Details and marriage anniversary date etc.
  • Student information like transport route and fees concession, Health Remarks, Institution Authorities personalize remarks for individual students, games, extra curricular activities family physician / pediatrician, communicable diseases, Students siblings tracing (Studying in same School) last school attended, Student withdrawals or cancelled admission etc.
  • Automatic Class Roll No allotment as per given limit of class.

The Fee Management Software Module of SchoolAppOnDemand is one of the most automated fee collection modules available in the market. Apart from being automated fee Management system, , it is at the same time flexible enough to accommodate the varying nature of the fee most of the academic institutions comes across.
The fee Management software module automatically calculates the pending fees, payment details, deduction and concessions, if any applicable to the selected student & allows paying through any mode of payment as cash/check/draft by student wise/class wise & section wise.

Some Features

  • Fees Installments Patterns (i.e. Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly wise, etc) Class / Individual number of fee Components with attributes like transport, hostel, concession, fine etc.
  • Configurable Fees Structure for various Fee heads.
  • Multiple Fees Collection System as Cash Collection, cheque & draft Collection System.
  • Separate provision for collection of Misc. Fees (as tour fee, mid - day meal, etc)
  • Online Fee Receipt Pre - Collection Fee Receipt - Generalized / Class - wise.
  • Fee collection status (fee defaulter, User wise total amount, fee receipt amount, due amount, Fee collection head wise, daily wise, weekly wise, monthly wise etc).
  • Bounce cheque details with bounce fine.
  • All the submitted fee will be reflected in accounts receipt voucher.
  • Reminder and Alert for submitted fee and due fee.
  • Master Creation
  • Role Management
  • Class wise fee head setting.
  • Fee report like : Daily Collection, Head wise collecton, Cash or Bank statement, Student wise fee account summary, Cancelation report etc...
  • Defaulter Student can be send SMS or mail
  • Customer report as per requirement.

Only on one-time input of the basic information about the provision of subjects to the teacher, teacher to the classes and number of lessons for each subject to each class & each section, the system intelligently generates the most probable combination of the time table and allocation of the time table for the session.
With computerized assistance, the time table Management system can be modified by the user to suit more specifically to the school as well as the staff while the computer will keep on prompting about the clashes and suggest possible resolution. The whole painful task of time table preparation and management will be turned into a playful rise.

Some Features

  • Teacher wise / Class wise time table generation.
  • Generation of substitution list for absent teacher.
  • Period Setting School wise / Class wise including break period.
  • Teacher wise Maximum and Minimum period.
  • Teacher wise / subject wise period preferences.
  • In default Time Table remove and add - on teacher & subject.
  • Teacher wise / class wise / subject wise home work assignment.
  • Teacher subject, work load details and Teacher Task Alart.

In Student Attendance form you can take the attendance of the student on daily basis. You can mark the student present, absent, ½ day leave, and complete leave. At the end of every month you can get the status of student. With the help of students and Parents ID Generation form we can generate the id and password of student and parents and with the specified Id and password generated, student and parent can login to view their admission fee and other needed information.

Some Features

  • Personal Information
  • Fee Details
  • Exam Result
  • Report card
  • Attendance
  • Class time table
  • View Articles

With the help of Staff Management Module, School Administration automatically manages the teacher’s teaching scheduling as a previous record/ same day & for further scheduling by default class wise/ subject wise/ section wise & period wise. It also automatically manages teacher adjustment/substitute teacher allotment in the absence of another teacher.

Some Features

  • Incoming and Outgoing Time settings
  • n'number of Leaves & it's details.
  • Provision "RED MARKS" for absent status & other colors for different status.
  • Teacher adjustment in case of absent.
  • Daily Attendance Register.

Through the examination Management module you can cover up planning, execution, maintenance and monitoring evaluation. Examination Management system allows you to observe progresses at different levels for various amalgamation of subjects, examinations and year's for single/all students as well as class/section presentation. maintains its whole and complete profiles as how many marks obtained, term wise/ class wise/ subject wise/ student wise; automatically grading facility according to getting score; through marks setup manages, passing marks & maximum marks; marks tabulate cover - obtained marks student wise/ subject wise; auto generated report cards - marks wise/ grade wise/ percentage wise/ rank wise/ subject wise grading/ particular student wise & class wise also. The Examination Management System features generation of customized reports and helps in making the process more transparent.

Some Features

  • Teacher effort for generation of report reduces by 50% workload.
  • Annual student Report on CCE based pattern.
  • Class and section wise comparison & 'n' number of grading patterns (of different class wise).
  • User Friendly marks settings system for differnt exam terms.
  • Creations of multi level subjects and relative Grades or Descriptive remarks.
  • 'n' number of ranking in term / annual exam.
  • 'n' number of subject topper of differnt class.
  • Students' Performance analysis report.
  • Class wise Result overall percentage wise (Class Section Wise) / Subject wise.

The Library Management Software addresses all library needs and measures. It provides for issuance and return of books from students as well as staff, managing reservation for books, use of rule master for book groups, restrictions by class on issuance of book, dues, maximum/minimum issued books, generate and maintain book catalogues. Various reports are available to represent the information.
Moreover, the Library Management Software also supports definition of a Library Fine Policy so that the books returned late are fined according to the policies defined by higher authority.

Some Features

  • Barcode techbnology for stock checking, circulation and security systems for track an items.
  • Quickly access your data : you can easily access, view, and search your library collections member database, circulation database in different way.
  • There is no limit on the number of database or book records.
  • Staff as well as student record is maintained.
  • Automatic fine fees calculation.
  • Network supported : you can use our library software on a single compter or on the network of computers (multi-user licenserequired).
  • Library Management system has pre defined reports. These are used for normal reporting as well as administration & staff development purpose.

The Inventory Management Software module deals with all sundry purchases, issuance of items and maintenance of stock availability. The best inventory Management software, SchoolApp OnDemand is crammed with a number of features like generation of requisitions, covering main store and sub-stores, generation of purchase orders, delivery memo, purchase bill, purchase return, employee issue & return, main store issue & return, stock ledger, stock statements and fast/slow moving items. The inventory Management system module also facilitates a number of systematic reports useful for Inventory Control. Over the time, users can have annual reports on the consumption and cost factors of the items in inventory using our inventory Management system. Such record of the inventory also imparts a sense of accountability on the person in charge/supervisor of the use of all such items.

Some Features

  • Purchase order generation with complete details.
  • Complete inware and outware stock summary.
  • Anylevel of grouping and item classification categories wise.
  • Number of configurable units of measurement and conversion.
  • Purchase price, purchase tax and purchase discount.
  • Minimum, maxium and reorder level reminder.
  • Multiple supplier/vendor support.
  • Vendor and supplier payments tracking & reflected in account payment voucher.

SchoolAppOnDemand’s Transport Management has facility to report the fuel consumption, Insurance Information Taxes Information and Permit Information Management. This module features bus stop & route provision to student/staff, number of students on each stop/route, number of stops on each route with area map, maintenance schedule and vehicle requisition for various occasions. The Transport module is also integrated into the fee structure and accounts so that the transport charges are automatically charged from the students. The system provides imperative information regarding the expiration of Insurance, renewal of Permits, Details of fuel consumption and fuel economy of the vehicle etc..

Some Features

  • Excellent Management of timings of bus stops and bus routes according to the School timings.
  • Complete driver details with before alart driving licenses expire.
  • Alert & Reminder for permit, Road Tax, Pollution Tax, Insurance etc.
  • Keep vehicle track for maintenance and fuel consumption.
  • Route map generation for each vehicle & seat capacity.

The hostel Management software module is specially designed to handle Child/Youth Hostels Associations and manage all activities related to a hostel. This Hostel Management System facilitates reservation and allocation of rooms, managing room facilities, maintaining outing and discipline, visitors records, house keeping and cafeteria Management etc.. Hostel Management Software also offers a variety of reports. The hostel Management system uses one single centralized database that serves the activities of the whole associations. Technically, it is a multi-tier or multi-tasking application running from a central server. Users are using thin clients, connected to the server using LAN.

Some Features

  • Room Allocation - It maintains different type of room allocation (South campus, north campus etc.) depending on free or occupy.
  • Mess / Canteen, laundry facilities - it takes care of mess joining, discountinuation, billing etc.
  • Hostel Account system - Separate hostel account can be maintained for each students. It will be linked with central account system as well.
  • Fee and fine collection - Any fine or fee can be collected; receipt can be issued through the system.
  • Allotment of room type and no. of occupants in each one of them.
  • Fee camount, Fee collection head wise, daily wise, weekly wise, monthly wise etc).
  • Reports - waiting list, allocation list, mess joining report, fine report, due list etc can be generated by the system.

Delivering closed loop clinical solutions that support your daily services and inform others involved in patient care.

SchoolApp OnDemand has been designed School Clinic to support new and emerging models of care which enable student (Patient) who would formerly have their temporarily treatment in school. Healthcare Software offers a range of innovative software solutions for use in both acute care and community health settings. SchoolApp OnDemand provides a comprehensive collection of decision support tools for the benefit of care providers within the School including pharmacists, doctors, nurses and allied health professionals. It also offers support for a patient within the community.

The School Payroll Management Software is designed for handling of remuneration/payment for employees/staff. The School Payroll Management Software module provides generation of pay slips, provident fund statements, professional tax statements, & salary statements. Various calculation parameters, configurable as per the user requirements and the allowances and also different types of reports are available to represent the information generated. The payroll software module is capable of calculating the working days, payable amount, deductions etc.

Some Features

  • Automatic salary generation of employee based on attendance allowances assigned.
  • Maintenance of employee information and leave details.
  • Official / Personal / Salary Structure (allowances, deductions and remittances).
  • Easy search through multi-option like employee name, his father, spouse and, Qualifications, important Dates (e.g. date of joining, annual increment, releasing etc.)
  • Salary Calculation, salary generation - Designation wise / Employee wise user friendly employee record Tracking system.
  • Promotion and increment of employee providing arrears deductions and payments (e.g. DA arrears/PF Loans or any other allowance or Deduction).

The Accounts Management software is a complete accounting package in itself. This module features options for daily requirements, ranging from day books, general ledger, schedule balance, trail balance, income/expense statements and balance sheet accounts and also allows to drill-downs from balance sheets to vouchers and automatically manages posting of fees into appropriate accounts heads. Apart from this, the user of our account Management software is not restricted with only automatically posting but the generic accounting processes are also available as most popular accounting packages

Some Features

  • Complete accounting package for school/college/institutes etc.
  • Generate of day book, balance sheet, trial balance, profit & loss A/C etc.
  • Hierarchy of account for creating the account group/sub account group/Ledgers in pre - defined groups.
  • Different type of vouchers for different kind of transactions, e.g., contra, payment Receipt, journal, Debit Note, Credit Note etc,
  • Maintenance of employee information and leave detail.

Alumni software is a special kind of social software. Its purpose is to provide a communication platform for alumni of a particular institution. Current and former students can easily stay in contact and communicate with each other through the alumni software. In the platform, every alumnus has his own profile, which is maintained and updated by himself. This function of the SchoolApp OnDemand’s alumni software extremely eases the member management. Furthermore, the institution can fully adapt the platform to their corporate design. The alumni can present themselves online and enhance their networking contacts. Alumni software also allows its members to create content actively (user-generated content). For instance, users are able to participate in discussions, upload photos etc and create articles. With the SchoolApp OnDemand’s alumni software alumni can start online polls and donations that are carried via internet banking can be added in the community. The features of alumni software by SchoolApp OnDemand’s are completely customizable and flexibly adaptable to the institution´s needs and requirements.

The Report module is a fundamental module of SchoolApp OnDemand which generates numerous reports that includes fee details, student registrations, Student admissions, classes, subjects & teacher’s reports and many more. All modules and the desired reports can be generated according to the required users.

Some Features

  • Numerous Reports that includes fee details.
  • Student Registration Reports
  • Student Admission Reports
  • Classes, Subjects & Teacher’s Reports

Welcome to HR Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.(HRSS), India’s one of the leading Software Development Company. We are master in HR/Payroll, ERP, Textile, Transport, Overseas Recruitment, Advertisement, School and Library Software. In the field of providing information, skill based solutions to various business entities in different segments, the company believes in strong and most favorable methodologies.

Some Features

  • Birthday reminders
  • Parents anniversary
  • Important meeting reminders
  • Event calendars (an event which will be take place on a particular date either in a year or in a month)
  • Feedback for student provided by teacher and feedback for employees provided by employer and data base backup & restore.

This chapter explains how to manage users and roles in SchoolApp OnDemand using the back-end of the SQL Server. It includes illustrated instructions on all available operations using the Control Panel such as: Creating a User Account, Adding and Editing User Details, Changing the user details of the Current User, Deleting a User. Also, there are details on Creating and Deleting a Role.

Some Features

  • Create Users: You can create users by the software.
  • User Groups: It can be used among a group of employees in a single time.
  • User Rights: Administration allows an admin to have full control on delegation of authority to the various employees so that their domain of operation may be restricted to their own department only. No employee is able to see/edit/modify the information that is not pertinent to his/her role in the organization. This acts as a great Management tool and allows authorities to have direct control over the employees’ access to the software and to the school’s information resources in general
  • Change Password: Multiple user can use their separate password and also change the password
  1. Control panel module is beneficial for guiding the personnel in creating user, defining rights of users and password can be changed too. Password system enables multiple users to login through their account by entering their unique passwords.
  2. Student management module has been designed to keep a record of students compiling personal details, fee details, exam result, report card, attendance and class time table. In the same way, all the modules are pre-designed to make every task of school swiftly. Manage all registrations with the help of user-friendly, automated software program of registration management software. The admission Management module manages the complete details about the students and their parents/guardians including their alternate addresses, contact numbers & profession etc.
  3. The fee Management module automatically calculates the pending fees, payment details, deduction and concessions, if any applicable to the selected student & allows paying through any mode of payment as cash/check/draft by student wise/class wise & section wise.
  4. Attendance Management system performs different roles for Students and Employees. Student’s attendance Management software details act as a tool to identify irregularities in the academic interests of the students.
  5. Staff attendance module is used in conjunction with the payroll module to automatically implement the leave policies. Various types of leaves are available that may be marked for employees.
  6. Examination Management system allow you to observe progresses at different levels for various amalgamation of subjects, examinations and year's for single/all students as well as class/section presentation.
  7. Library Management module addresses all library needs and measures. It provides for issuance and return of books from students as well as staff, managing reservation for books, use of rule master for book groups, restrictions by class on issuance of book, dues, maximum/minimum issued books, generate and maintain book catalogues.
  8. Hostel Management module is specially designed to handle Child/Youth Hostels Associations and manage all activities related to a hostel. This Hostel Management System facilitates reservation and allocation of rooms, managing room facilities, maintaining outing and discipline, visitors’ records, housekeeping and cafeteria Management etc.
  9. Inventory Management module deals with all sundry purchases, issuance of items and maintenance of stock availability. SchoolApp OnDemand is crammed with a number of features like generation of requisitions, covering main store and sub-stores, generation of purchase orders, delivery memo, purchase bill, purchase return, employee issue & return, main store issue & return, stock ledger, stock statements and fast/slow moving items.
  10. Transport Management module has facilities to report the fuel consumption, Insurance Information Taxes Information and Permit Information Management. This module features bus stop & route provision to student/staff, number of students on each stop/route, number of stops on each route with area map, maintenance schedule and vehicle requisition for various occasions.
  11. Payroll Management module is designed for handling of remuneration/payment for employees/staff. The School Payroll Management Software module provides generation of pay slips, provident fund statements, professional tax statements, & salary statements.
  12. Accounts Management module features options for daily requirements, ranging from day books, general ledger, schedule balances, trail balance, income/expense statements and balance sheet accounts and also allows to drill-downs from balance sheets to vouchers and automatically manages posting of fee into appropriate accounts heads.
  13. Report module generates numerous reports that include fee details, student registrations, Student admissions, classes, subjects & teacher’s reports and many more. All modules and the desired reports can be generated according to the user requirements.